Nineteenth Scientific Conference
of the Egyptian Society for Nutrition and Feeds
Pro. Dr. Hamdy Khattab
Deputy Chairman
Pro. Dr. Mohamed Fathey
Chief Org. committee
Prof Dr. Ebtehag Abou Elenin
General Conf. Secretary
Prof. Dr. Alaa Eldin Hemid
Prof. Dr. Mahomoud Khorshed
Feeding and husbandry of dairy cattle
Feeding and husbandry of growing calves and cattle meat
Feeding and husbandry of sheep and goats
Feeding and husbandry of camels and horses
Feeding and husbandry of Poultry
Feeding and husbandry of Rabbits
Feeding and husbandry of fishes
Production and processing milk
Processing poultry and fishes meats
Feed additives, analysis and evaluation of feeds
Clinical nutrition and veterinary care
Raising animal production under arid and desert conditions
Usage of Bio- and Nano Technologies in nutrition
Economics and extension of animal production